How to Draw Trees Like a Pro in 5 Easy Steps?


  • Necessary tools : pencils, erasers, paper
  • Step 1 : Observe trees in nature or in photos
  • 2nd step : Sketch the shapes basic trunks and foliage
  • Step 3 : Add details (bark, branches)
  • Step 4 : Work on the texture and the shadows
  • Step 5 : Finalize with colors or nuances

Drawing trees can seem intimidating, but with a few simple techniques you can create amazing works. Whether you want to depict realistic trees or adopt a more stylized style, there are accessible methods that will help you improve your skills. In this article, we’ll explore five easy steps to guide you through the process of drawing trees, allowing you to refine your technique and develop your own artistic style with confidence. Get ready to bring your creations to life with trees that captivate and inspire!

Let’s discover together how to draw trees that seem to come straight from a living forest using five simple and effective steps. Through basic techniques and practical tips, you will quickly become a pro at depicting these magnificent giants of nature.

Choosing the Right Drawing Material

To draw a tree in a realistic and stylized way, it is best to start with the right material. The choice of tools can greatly influence the final rendering of your drawing. It is recommended to use pencils of different hardnesses: an HB for basic lines, a 2B for shading and a 4B for darker details. Quality sheets of paper, preferably lightly textured, provide better grip for pencils and help create interesting textures for bark and foliage.

In addition to pencils and paper, the choice of eraser is also crucial. A bread eraser allows for gentle erasing without damaging the paper, while an electric eraser can be useful for very fine adjustments and precise details. Finally, don’t forget about blending tools like blenders and cloths, which will help you soften shadows and create subtle transitions.

Steps Description
1. Choose the type of tree Identify the type of tree to draw (deciduous, coniferous, fruit).
2. Sketch the shape Draw a simple diagram for the structure of the tree.
3. Add trunk details Trace the outlines of the trunk and branches with texture.
4. Draw the foliage Use rounded shapes to represent leaves.
5. Finish with shadows Add shadows to give depth and realism.
  • Step 1: Choose Tree Type
  • Consider shape, size and climate.
  • Step 2: Sketch the Basic Structure
  • Trace the trunk and large branches.
  • Step 3: Add Leaf Details
  • Draw the silhouette of the foliage according to the type of tree.
  • Step 4: Work on the textures
  • Use lines and hatching to represent the bark.
  • Step 5: Finalize with shadows and highlights
  • Add gradients to give volume and depth.

Study basic shapes and structures

The next step to drawing trees is to understand their basic shapes and structures. Trees are essentially made up of two main parts: the trunk and the foliage. The trunk is generally a cylindrical shape that widens at the base and gradually narrows as it rises. The branches extend from the trunk in a relatively symmetrical but irregular manner, creating a feeling of natural balance.

It’s helpful to start by drawing simple sketches of the basic geometric shapes before moving on to details. For example, an oak tree may be represented by a wide cylinder for the trunk and an oval or round shape for the canopy. Conifers, like firs, often have a more obvious conical structure, with branches that slope downward. Investing time in mastering these basic shapes will make building the entire tree much easier.

Add realistic details to the trunk

With the basic shapes in place, it’s time to add realistic details to the trunk. Tree bark is a rich texture that can vary greatly between species. To capture this, start by drawing irregular vertical lines all around the trunk. These lines should follow the natural curvature of the trunk to give the impression of volume.

Continue by adding small strokes and irregular patterns to imitate the cracks and crevices of the bark. Use varied shading to give depth; areas where light hits the trunk will be lighter, while hollows and cracks will be darker. Don’t be afraid to layer multiple layers of pencil, and use a smudge to soften transitions and create a more realistic effect.

Add volume to foliage

Foliage is a crucial part of your tree design. It not only gives life to the tree, but also volume and texture. Start by drawing the main masses using oval or circular shapes to define the canopy. Then break these large shapes into smaller segments to give an idea of ​​the different clumps of leaves.

Use wavy lines and small strokes to represent individual leaves. Deciduous trees, such as oak, will have broader, jagged outlines, while conifers will have thin, “V”-shaped needles. To add volume, vary the intensity of your line. The closer the parts of the foliage are to the light source, the lighter they will be. On the other hand, the furthest parts will be shaded. This technique will give an impression of three-dimensionality to your drawing.

Finish with details and lighting effects

Final touches to your design include adding subtle details and lighting effects. Elements like small branches, visible roots and even mushrooms on the trunk can add a lot of character and realism. Take care to observe real trees or photographs to gain inspiration from these small details that make all the difference.

Lighting is another essential aspect. Choose a direction for the light and make sure all shadows follow that logic. Use a lighter pencil or even a blender to create highlights on the edges of the leaves and along the trunk, where the light would be most intense. These reflections will give dynamism to your drawing and reinforce the volume effect. Finally, step back and check your entire drawing to adjust any final details.

To deepen your knowledge and discover new techniques, explore this selection of books on drawing.

What is the first step to drawing a tree?
The first step is to sketch the general shape of the tree with light lines. This includes the trunk and main branches.
How to draw the trunk of the tree?
To draw the trunk, use curved lines to give volume and texture. Also add details like bark.
How to represent the branches?
The branches should start from the trunk and branch out. Use lines of different thicknesses to give a realistic appearance.
What techniques should I use to draw foliage?
For foliage, use cloud or clump shapes. You can draw ovals or circles to represent the leaves, then surround them with small lines to add texture.
How to add realistic details to the tree?
Add shadows and highlights to give depth to your drawing. Use colored pencils or markers for final details.
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