How to remove your phone number on Le Bon Coin


  • Privacy policy and cookies on Le Bon Coin
  • Hide my number : options available when creating or modifying ads
  • Changing phone number : update procedure to follow
  • FAQ : answers to frequently asked questions about displaying numbers
  • Common problems: when the number does not appear on ads
  • Security : reason behind hiding numbers by default

You have an account on Le Bon Coin and you want to remove your phone number from your ads? Don’t panic! Whether for security reasons or simply to preserve your privacy, there is a quick and easy method to hide your number. Let’s dive together into the steps to follow to manage your contact information on this platform!

Why hide your phone number?

Before we dive into the details, let’s look at why you might want to hide your phone number. These days,

security is paramount when using online sales platforms. This way, you can avoid unwanted calls and reduce the risk of scams. By hiding your number, you can maintain a certain anonymity while remaining accessible to potential buyers. Step 1: Review your account settings

To get started, log in to your Le Bon Coin account

. Once logged in, go to your account settings. This is where the magic happens! There you will find the options to manage your phone number and much more. If you need help locating this section, see Official FAQ. Step 2: Hide your phone numberOnce in the settings, you will be able to see a function called “Hide number”. To activate this option, simply click on the dedicated button. This will hide your phone number on all your ads. And there you have it, it’s that simple! If you encounter any problems, do not hesitate to consult this

interesting discussion

on the forums. Step 3: Edit or change your phone number Let’s say you’ve changed your phone number and want to update your account. In this case, it is important to provide certain supporting documents for security reasons.


. Go to the change your number page to follow these steps. For more details, see this help resource. What you need to know about adsIt’s important to note that, by default, the « Hide number » option is enabled for all new listings. This means that your number will not be visible unless you deliberately choose to display it. If you have any concerns regarding the


of your number on an old ad, you can always come back and update the settings. Alternatives to phone number sharing If you’re not comfortable with sharing your number, there are other methods to communicate with buyers. You can send them a message via the platform

The Good Corner

without revealing your contact details. This is a great way to keep your personal information out of the equation while still connecting with potential buyers. Doubts? Don’t hesitate to seek help Finally, if you are still confused or if you have persistent concerns, know that there are many


at your disposal. Whether through forums like TikTok where you can find fun tips, or by consulting safety articles on Le Bon Coin, support is never far away. And if you’re interested in a change, check out this amazing verification which might surprise you too! Find out how to easily remove a phone number from your account or personal data. follow our practical tips and protect your privacy today. If you wish


your telephone number on Le Bon Coin for security or privacy reasons, you are in the right place! This article will guide you through the simple steps to remove your phone number from your ads. You’ll find out how to turn the hiding feature on or off, as well as what to do if you’ve changed your number. Enable or disable hiding your number To get started, open your Le Bon Coin account. Once logged in, go to the section dedicated to

ad management

. Whether you are creating a new ad or editing an existing ad, simply locate the “ Hide number« . You can then choose to activate or deactivate this function easily. For more details, you can consult this online help . What to do if you have changed your phone number?If you recently changed your phone number and want to update your account information, there are a few steps to follow. First, log in to your account and go to profile settings. You will need to provide supporting documents to ensure the


of your account. For more advice on this subject, do not hesitate to refer to this article about changing number . Why is my phone number not appearing?It is important to note that on Le Bon Coin, the option of

masking numbers

is enabled by default to protect user privacy. If you don’t see your number appear on your ads, it’s probably because this feature is checked. To change it, simply follow the steps mentioned above. Precautions to take with your phone number When you decide to display your phone number, be aware that it may be visible to a large number of users. So be careful and think carefully before sharing it. Avoid disclosing sensitive information and consider the

security situation

that this can cause. For tips on protecting your number, you can also check out this article on the security of personal data . Cookies and privacy policyFinally, keep in mind that Le Bon Coin, like many sites, uses cookies that may affect your privacy preferences. For more information on this, visit their

cookies policy page

. This will help you better understand how your data is used and make the right security decisions. Comparison of Options for Managing your Phone Number on Le Bon CoinAction


Show number Go to your ad settings and enable the ‘Show number’ option.
Hide number Check the ‘Hide number’ option when creating or editing the ad.
Change number Go to your account settings and change your phone number after verification.
Number already associated If your number is already in use, choose another one or contact support.
Safety signs Le Bon Coin hides numbers by default to protect your privacy.
View settings Check your settings regularly to manage the display of your number.
learn how to delete your phone number safely and privately. follow our simple steps to protect your privacy and manage your personal information online. Steps to follow


  • to your account. Go to the section of announcement publication
  • . Edit ad forenable/disable
  • the “Hide number” option. For to change
  • number, provide supporting documents. Useful information The “Hide number” option is

checked by default

  • . Contactsupport
  • if there is a problem with the function. For reasons of safety
  • , avoid sharing your personal information. THEphone numbers
  • are not displayed for all ads. Learn how to remove your phone number from online platforms and services to protect your privacy and avoid unwanted solicitations. follow our simple and effective tips to better manage your personal information. FAQ: How to remove your phone number on Le Bon Coin
Q: How can I hide my phone number on Le Bon Coin?

A: To hide your phone number, log in to your account, post an ad or modify one, then activate the “Hide number” function using the dedicated button.

Q: I changed my phone number, what should I do?
A: If you have changed your number, you must change the number entered on your account. To secure this change, you will need to provide supporting documents.
Q: Why isn’t my phone number appearing on my ads?
A: The « Hide number » option is checked by default for security reasons, which prevents your number from being displayed on your ads.
Q: How do I display my phone number if I want to make it visible?
A: When submitting or modifying an ad, simply deactivate the “Hide number” function using the dedicated button.
Q: Why can’t I display my phone number on Le Bon Coin?
A: The option may already be enabled in your account, and you will need to disable it for your number to be visible.
Q: Is it dangerous to give your phone number on Le Bon Coin?
A: Yes, there are risks associated with publishing your phone number. It is best to keep this information private for security reasons.
Q: What should I do if I face problems hiding my phone number?
A: If you encounter any problems, make sure you follow the procedure provided on the site correctly. In case this does not work, you can contact the Le Bon Coin support service for assistance.

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