Where does richard bohringer live


  • Richard Bohringer, French actor, celebrates his 82 years old.
  • He resides at Pornic, but is back to Rouans after 33 years of absence.
  • Bohringer has strong ties to theAfrica, having obtained nationality Senegalese in 2002.
  • After fighting against a cancer, he makes a return to the stage with a new piece Paris.
  • He continues to share his passion for theater and remains close to his friends and his origins.

Ah, Richard Bohringer, this actor with undeniable charisma and a fascinating history! At 82 years old, this great man of French cinema still intrigues us. After a past full of successes, challenges and even battles with illness, curiosity about his daily life remains keen. Finding out about his current residence then becomes a fun quest for his many fans. So, where is our dear Richard hiding today? Let’s discover his little corner of paradise together!

Where does Richard Bohringer live?

Richard Bohringer, an emblematic figure of French cinema, has a fascinating life story and a special link with several places. This article looks at where he currently resides, his attachment to his hometown and his love for a country that adopted him. Hold on tight, because we’re diving into the world of this extraordinary artist!

Back to basics

Richard Bohringer, born January 16, 1942 in Moulins, has always had a strong attachment to his roots. Recently, he made a very symbolic return to Rouans, a city where he had not returned for 33 years. This place seems to have special significance for the actor, who describes it as his « home ». His return is perhaps a way of reconnecting with the memories of a childhood marked by profound historical events.

During his visit to Rouans, he declared: “I live in Pornic, I came to greet a friend, in all simplicity. » This sentence clearly illustrates Bohringer’s humility, even after becoming famous. Simplicity and authenticity are part of its undeniable charm.

A deep love for Senegal

In addition to France, Richard Bohringer also has a very strong link with the Senegal. In 2002, he obtained Senegalese nationality, a symbolic gesture which testifies to the love he has for this land. Africa represents a refuge for him, a place where he feels “taken in the arms” of the generosity of its inhabitants. This bond, so precious to him, had a profound impact on him throughout his life.

Richard has often spoken of his spiritual connection with Senegal, a country that brought him some peace after difficult trials. His life was largely inspired by his relationship with this rich and vibrant culture. He does not hesitate to show this attachment, both on stage and during interviews. It’s fascinating to see how an actor can feel so united to a country!

Private life and family

On the private side, Richard Bohringer is accompanied by his wife Astrid, who shares his life and his adventures. The couple even celebrated memorable moments, like their wedding, which remains engraved in memories. A beautiful love story which demonstrates that, despite life’s setbacks, tenderness and mutual support are always present.

Additionally, he is the father of several children, including the talented Romane Bohringer, who also follows in his father’s footsteps in the artistic world. Family, a source of comfort and joy for the actor, remains a solid foundation on which he bases his professional ambitions. His parentage and heritage are recurring themes in his career.

A life between art and everyday life

Currently, Richard Bohringer lives mainly in Pornic, in a calming environment which allows him to recharge his batteries between two projects. He continues to rock the stage, having recently returned to Parisian stages with « Quinze Rounds », proving that his love for theater is alive and well, even at 82 years old.

The actor also knows how to balance his artistic life and his personal life, finding time to enjoy the surrounding nature and the simple pleasures of life.

In conclusion: a man of passion

Where does Richard Bohringer live? The answer is simple: he lives between Rouans, Pornic and an unwavering love for Senegal. Each place represents a facet of his rich and nuanced personality. Whether on stage or in his daily life, Bohringer embodies passion, nostalgia and a beautiful way of living each moment to the fullest. What could be better than seeing a man so free and attached to his roots?

discover the fascinating world of richard bohringer, a multi-talented artist, known for his captivating performances and his unique journey. delve into his career as an actor, writer and musician, and explore his work full of passion and emotion.

Richard Bohringer, this iconic actor with incredible charm, is back in his hometown of Rouans, where he grew up. At 82, after years spent navigating between the Parisian scenes and the sunny landscapes of France, he shares his daily life and his ties with us. This article takes you to discover the current address of Richard Bohringer and the little anecdotes surrounding it.

Return to the Sources

After 33 long years of absence, Richard Bohringer returned to Rouans, a place full of memories for him. He decided to return to this city where his roots are deeply anchored. He is seen more often now, strolling the peaceful streets and reminiscing about unforgettable moments from his childhood. Rouans is the ideal cocoon for an artist of his stature who likes to recharge his batteries far from the hustle and bustle of the capital.

A Simple Life in Pornic

In addition to his attachment to Rouans, Richard also resides in Pornic. This charming coastal town offers him an idyllic living environment where he can admire the ocean and enjoy the tranquility. Between two artistic projects, he likes to rest there and enjoy the simple pleasures that nature has to offer. The mix between the sounds of waves and the smell of the tide gives Richard a deep feeling of happiness, far from the limelight.

A Link with Senegal

It has been more than twenty years since Richard Bohringer obtained citizenship Senegalese and he has a particular love for this land. Although his heart is divided between France and Senegal, he finds an unwavering spiritual bond in Africa. For him, Africa lives within him and inspires him, whether through its culture, its music or its people. Each return to Dakar is a celebration of this beautiful connection.

Partnership with Astrid

His life is also enriched by his partner, Astrid, with whom he shares moments of simplicity and complicity. Together, they enjoy the joys of daily life, cultivating their garden of happiness in Pornic and seeking to surround themselves with their loved ones. The little pleasures of life, like a good meal or a walk on the beach, are at the heart of their daily life.

Richard Bohringer, through his comings and goings between these different places, shows us that the importance is not so much where we live, but how we live. His joy of life and his new adventures testify to a man who knows how to appreciate the beauty of each moment.

Residence of Richard Bohringer

Place Details
Rouans Richard Bohringer recently returned to this city after a 33-year absence.
Pornic He mentioned that his main residence is located in Pornic.
Hyères He has links to Hyères where he has been involved in rugby and local culture.
Senegal In 2002, he acquired Senegalese nationality, revealing his attachment to this country.
Montreuil His daughter Romane Bohringer resides in Montreuil, adding a family connection to this city.
discover the fascinating world of richard bohringer, a multi-talented artist. actor, writer and singer, he left his mark on French cinema with his unforgettable performances and his striking literary works. delve into his biography and explore his iconic works which have left an indelible mark on French culture.
  • Main place of residence: Pornic
  • Back to the roots: Rouans, his hometown
  • Distance: 33 years without returning to Rouans
  • Family ties: Proximity with his wife Astrid
  • Attachment to Africa: Senegalese nationality
  • Friends and memories: Visiting a friend in their region
discover the fascinating world of richard bohringer, multi-talented artist, actor, writer and singer. delve into his biography, his significant works and his impact on French culture.

FAQ about the life of Richard Bohringer

Where does Richard Bohringer live? Richard Bohringer currently resides in Pornic, a charming town located on the French Atlantic coast.
Why did Richard Bohringer move? Richard made this choice to be close to the sea and enjoy a peaceful and pleasant living environment.
Does Richard Bohringer have connections to other cities? Yes, he has endearing memories Rouans, where he had not returned since 33 years old, and he also experienced moments at Hyères.
Does Richard Bohringer feel connected to Africa? Absolutely, Richard Bohringer received citizenship Senegalese in 2002 and he expresses great friendship for the continent.
What is the state of health of Richard Bohringer? After battling an illness, Richard Bohringer returned to the stage, proving his resilience.
Does Richard Bohringer have a partner? Yes, he shares his life with Astrid, who is also celebrated in various events, such as their wedding.
How does Richard Bohringer feel after his cancer? Today he is in great shape and happy to reconnect with the world of the stage.
What are the consequences on his career? Richard Bohringer has returned to the stage and continues to bring tenderness and humor to his performances.

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