What is code 21


  • Code *#21# : allows you to check the status of the call forwarding.
  • Shows if the voice calls are redirected.
  • Used to detect possible espionage of the phone.
  • Compatible with many models of smartphones.
  • Other useful codes: *#62# to check for out-of-range forwarding.
  • Essential for keeping control of your calls.

The code *#21# is a little gem of telephony that allows you to dive into the mysterious world of call forwarding. But be careful, this is not a magic code to know the time of the next meeting with your crush! No, this is a very practical method to check if your calls are being forwarded to another number. So, if you have the impression that your phone has a little secret to tell you, it’s time to dial this famous code and find out what’s hidden behind it!

Ah, the famous code 21, a mysterious code that many smartphone users (and even others) seem to have heard of, but few really know what it means. This code, as enigmatic as it is fascinating, allows you to check the status of the parameters of call forwarding on your phone. In other words, it gives you access to your call configuration and helps you know if your valuable calls are being forwarded elsewhere without you knowing.

How does code 21 work?

The code *#21# works using telecommunications systems by interrogating your device. When you enter this code, it displays detailed information about the code directly on your screen. call forwarding. You will know if voice calls, video calls and even messages are redirected to another number. It’s simply magical, isn’t it?!

Practical uses of code 21

In addition to informing you about the status of call forwarding, the code 21 is also a good way to detect if you have not been hacked, whether by a prankster friend or even by malicious people. Indeed, if unexpected referrals appear, it could indicate that someone has taken control of your device. Would I recommend using this code every day? Maybe not, but it’s good to keep an eye on it!

How do I deactivate call forwarding?

If you used the code and found that your calls are being forwarded, don’t panic! You can easily disable this feature. To do this, simply dial ##002# on your phone. In the blink of an eye, all your call forwarding will be canceled and you will find your communication intact.

Other secret codes to know

THE code 21 is just the tip of the iceberg! Many other useful codes exist to explore the hidden features of your phone. For example, the *#30# enables the presentation of your number when you make calls, while the *#62# will let you know where your calls are forwarded when your phone is out of range. These little codes are real gems and deserve to be discovered! You can find a complete list of secret codes here.

What if you’re worried about your phone being spied on?

Not sure if anyone is listening to your conversations? Use the code *#21# to check if suspicious call forwarding is active. Furthermore, the ##002# can completely cancel call forwarding, protecting you from possible prying eyes. It is wise to remain vigilant and ensure that your device is always under your control! For an interesting article on keeping your phone secure, take a look at this article.

In short, the code 21 is a powerful tool in your hands. Use it wisely to monitor your phone security and keep your communications secure. Who knew a simple code could have such a big impact?

discover code 21, an innovative initiative aimed at revolutionizing the digital sector. immerse yourself in a world where technology and creativity meet to offer solutions adapted to modern challenges. explore our services, our ambitious projects and join us to shape the future together.

The code *#21# is a handy tool to have in mind if you want to check the status of the call forwarding on your phone. This code not only helps you find out if your calls are being redirected, but also helps you make sure your phone is working the way you want it to. In short, it helps you keep control of your communications!

How to use the code *#21#

Redeem code *#21# is child’s play! All you have to do is open your smartphone’s phone app and enter this code. After pressing the call key, you will instantly receive information regarding the call forwarding status. You will then know if your calls are redirected to another number or if they remain with you.

What is call forwarding?

THE call forwarding is an essential feature that allows you to redirect your calls to another number. Whether it’s because you’re in a meeting, you don’t have a network, or you simply prefer to receive your calls on another device, this option can be very useful. Thanks to *#21#, you can find out at any time if this option is activated on your phone.

Why check call forwarding?

Checking call forwarding is crucial to ensure you don’t miss any important contacts. Sometimes unforeseen setups can result in unwanted redirects, leaving callers on voicemail. With the code *#21#, you ensure that your calls are handled as you wish and that you are always reachable!

Other useful codes to know

In addition to the code *#21#, there are other practical codes to know. For example, the *#30# allows you to activate caller number presentation, while ##002# cancels all call forwarding. These codes can really enrich your phone experience!

Comparison of code features *#21#

Functionality Description
Checking call forwarding Allows you to know if calls are forwarded to another number.
Voice Call Status Shows whether voice calls are redirected or not.
Activation/Deactivation Makes it easy to turn call forwarding on or off.
Privacy Protection Helps detect possible call interceptions.
Simple use Easy to use with a simple shortcut to compose.
Compatibility Works on the majority of modern cell phones.
No app needed Accessible without the need to download an application.
Speed Immediate results displayed after composing the code.
discover code 21, a captivating universe where innovation and creativity meet. Immerse yourself in a world where technology is transforming our lives and explore the latest trends in software development and digital applications.
  • What is the code *#21#?
  • A secret code for check call forwarding status on your phone.
  • Main utility
  • Allows you to know if calls are redirected to another number.
  • Functioning
  • Dial the code in your smartphone’s calling app.
  • Other useful codes
  • *#30# to enable caller ID presentation.
  • Importance of Privacy
  • Helps detect possible listens unwanted.
discover code 21, an innovative initiative that is revolutionizing the digital sector with technological solutions adapted to contemporary needs. Stay at the forefront of digital transformation with our high-quality tools and services.

What is code 21?

What is code *#21# ? The code *#21# is a service code that allows you to check the status of call forwarding on your phone.
What is the code for? *#21# ? This code informs you if the call forwarding is active for your voice calls.
How to redeem the code *#21# ? Just open your phone app, type *#21# and press the call button.
Is it possible to deactivate call forwarding with this code? No, the code *#21# does not deactivate call forwarding, it is only used to check its status.
Can you tell if your phone is being spied on with the code *#21# ? This code cannot determine if your phone is being spied on; it is only used to check call forwarding.

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