How do I prevent you from seeing the time of my last connection on WhatsApp


  • Access to Settings from WhatsApp
  • Choose option Confidentiality
  • Select Presence to change the settings
  • Disable option Last online presence
  • Choose who can see your profile picture and your Status
  • Test by asking a contact if the connection time is visible

Ah, WhatsApp, this fabulous tool that connects us to our friends and family! But sometimes he can be a little too curious, right? If you want to keep a little mystery and control who can see the time of your last connection, you’ve come to the right place! In this little guide, I will show you how to hide your status and keep your little secrets well away from prying eyes. Ready to become a WhatsApp privacy pro? Here we go!

How do I prevent my last connection time from being seen on WhatsApp?

Being constantly connected on WhatsApp can sometimes become a source of stress. Whether to keep a little mystery or just to enjoy moments of tranquility, it is normal to want to hide the time of your meeting from your contacts. last connection. In this article, we will give you simple and effective tips for managing your visibility on this famous messaging application.

Access WhatsApp settings

First, to proceed with changing your last access settings, open the WhatsApp app on your phone. Once the application is launched, head to the tab Settings, which is often found at the bottom right of the screen. In some cases, this might be under the three dots icon at the top right, depending on your version of the app.

Change privacy settings

Once you are in the settings, find the section Confidentiality. This is where the magic happens! Click on this option, and you will find several choices regarding your attendance status. To hide your last connection, look for the option Last time. You will then have the possibility to choose between Everyone, My contacts Or Person. By choosing Person, you will be the king of mystery and no one will be able to see your last connection time!

Hide your online status

But that’s not all! Besides hiding your last login, you can also hide your status online. This can be useful to prevent your friends from bombarding you with messages when you’re reading a good book or enjoying some quiet time. Still in the tab Confidentiality, find the option Presence and decide if you want to be visible to your contacts – or not at all!

Take full advantage of privacy settings

WhatsApp also offers other settings that you can customize to your liking. For example, you can choose who can see your profile picture, your Status and even your information. By playing with these settings, you will be able to navigate the app discreetly and control who has access to your information.

Use tips to go further

If you want to go even further in your quest for discretion, know that there are additional tips, such as the mode plane ! By enabling this mode before opening the app, you can read messages and attachments without being seen online. Once you’ve finished checking your messages, you can turn off airplane mode and reply calmly, without your contacts knowing you were online!

Conclusion on being invisible on WhatsApp

In summary, WhatsApp provides you with several options that help you adapt your visibility on the application according to your preferences. By following these steps, you can easily manage who sees your last login time, as well as other details of your profile, allowing you to maintain some privacy and peace of mind. Whether you’re an email addict or just a casual user, these tips should be very useful to you!

Find out how to ensure the confidentiality of your WhatsApp conversations. learn best practices for protecting your personal data and navigating safely on this popular messaging platform.

Ah, WhatsApp! The messaging app we use every day to stay in touch with friends, family and even colleagues. But did you know that your last connection can be seen by your contacts? Don’t panic! I will give you some practical tips to hide this famous time of your last visit. Prepare to become the master of your own privacy!

Access privacy settings

To start handling, you must open your WhatsApp application. Then go to Settings Or Settings, depending on the version you have. Once there, head to the section Confidentiality. You will find a multitude of options to take control of your visibility.

Disable Last Login Status

In the menu of Confidentiality, locate the option that concerns your last presence online. There you will have the option to deactivate this status. By choosing ‘Nobody’, you are free as air! Your contacts will no longer be able to see when you were last online. Best of all, this also means you won’t be able to see their last connection neither. It’s a fair trade, isn’t it?

Hide your profile picture and status

While you are in the menu Confidentiality, why not take advantage of this to also hide your profile picture and your Status? This helps add an extra layer of mystery to your online presence. You can choose to make these elements visible only to your contacts or, if you prefer the secret side, only to those you designate.

Become invisible online with the presence option

Another wise tip is to manage your presence online. Return to the section Confidentiality and select Presence. You can choose to appear as offline for everyone, or to only show your status to certain people. This will give you even more autonomy over who can see if you are online!

Use airplane mode

Finally, if you really want to hide your connection, a formidable technique is to activate the airplane mode. Before opening WhatsApp, enable this option to browse without being detected. You will be able to read and respond to messages without your status being updated. Once you’re done, turn off the mode to send your messages with peace of mind!

There you have it, you are now armed with several methods to keep your privacy on WhatsApp. Don’t forget to take a look at This item for more detailed information and to become a pro of discretion in the digital world! Happy masking everyone!

Options to hide your last connection on WhatsApp

Method Description
Disabling Status Go to Settings > Confidentiality and turn off the last logged in status.
Choose who can see You can limit access to your last login to specific contacts.
Hide profile photo In Confidentiality, you can hide your profile photo for more anonymity.
Airplane Mode Turn on airplane mode to read messages without being seen online.
Configure “Seen at” Hide the function Seen at to not inform your contacts when you are online.
Use another device Send messages via another device without being signed into your main account.
Find out how to protect your privacy on WhatsApp. Learn best practices for securing your conversations and managing your privacy settings.
Find out everything you need to know about privacy on WhatsApp: security settings, data protection and tips to ensure your privacy on this popular messaging app.

WhatsApp Last Login Mask FAQ

Q: How do I hide my last connection time on WhatsApp?
A: Meet at the Settings, then select Confidentiality and look for the option Last seen. You can choose to hide it completely.
Q: Can I choose who can see my last connection?
A: Yes, in the same menu of Confidentiality, you can choose My contacts, My contacts except…, Or Person to customize who can see your last connection.
Q: If I hide my last connection, can I see other people’s connections?
A: No, if you decide to hide your last connection, you will also not be able to see that of other users.
Q: How do I deactivate my profile picture or status?
A: Go to Settings, Then Confidentiality, and you will have the option to hide your profile picture Or Status to all or to certain contacts.
Q: Are there other ways to stay discreet on WhatsApp?
A: In addition to hiding your last connection, consider disabling acknowledgments of receipt so your contacts don’t know when you’ve read their messages.

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