How to see your general average on Pronote 2021


  • Access to Pronote: Log in with your parents’ account.
  • Navigation: Go to the tab Notes.
  • Entering notes: Select Entering notes Then Aff_Input.
  • General average: Discover your average in the dedicated section.
  • Transparency: Consult the details of the calculation of your average.
  • School reports: Access your old ones newsletters if necessary.

Did you know that tracking your academic results has never been easier thanks to Pronote ? If you are a student or parent interested in knowing the general average of a student, this tool is your best friend! But then, how can we consult this famous average on Pronote in 2021? Hang in there, I’ll guide you through this scintillating journey that begins in the tab notes and ends up revealing all the secrets of this academic equation.

Ah, PRONOTE! This useful tool for parents and students, a real digital logbook. But then, how can we see general average in 2021? Don’t panic, I will guide you step by step through this exciting school adventure!

Access your PRONOTE account

The first thing to do to view your general average is to log in to your PRONOTE account. Remember that this only works on behalf of parents or yours, if you are a student. Once connected, you will be immersed in the school world, with easy access to all features.

Navigate to the notes tab

Are you connected? Great ! It’s time to navigate to the tab Notes. Click on it to reveal the secrets of the assessment. In this section, you will be able to consult your child’s various grades, but especially their general average.

View averages and assignment details

In the tab Notes, you will see an option titled Entering notes. After clicking there, select your class and group service from the available lists on the left. Quietly, you will be able to consult all the notes for each assignment and, of course, the general average which is displayed to give a complete view of your child’s performance.

Understanding averaging

To fully understand this average, it is crucial to know how it is calculated. PRONOTE thus offers transparency on the notes, explaining which notes are taken into account and their respective weight. This allows you to better understand the results, in order to put the ups and downs of your little geniuses’ grades into perspective!

Find previous school reports

Wondering how to find your old school report cards? No worries ! Just navigate through the PRONOTE interface. You can retrieve your data from the previous year to see how far your child has come. For more details, see this link.

View helpful resources

If you want to learn more about managing grades and averages, do not hesitate to consult practical guides. You will find a complete guide here. This will allow you to explore all the features offered by PRONOTE.

With all these simple steps and resources to help you, seeing your overall average on PRONOTE in 2021 has never been easier! Don’t forget to involve your child in this process, it’s a fantastic learning and communication opportunity!

You are on a frantic quest to discover your general average on Pronote in 2021? Don’t panic! This article guides you through the simple and practical steps to view all your grades, while allowing you to take control of your academic journey! Whether you are a student or a parent, follow the guide!

Access Pronote

First of all, you need to log in to your Pronote account. To do this, go to the official website or open the application on your phone. Don’t forget to enter your login details, it’s the key to accessing your personal space!

View Notes

Once logged in, head to the tab Notes. This is often the place where the Holy Grail is found for students in search of their average! Click on Entering notes, then choose the option Aff_Input. You will then be able to explore all the details related to your homework and to your notes current.

See your General Average

To consult your general average, after clicking on the tab Notes, select the class concerned as well as the appropriate group. In the menu on the left, all the necessary options will appear. Go ahead, look carefully, and you will eventually find your average! If in doubt, refer to the explanations provided in the different sections to fully understand what is indicated.

Transparency on Averages

Know that Pronote offers you a beautiful transparency regarding grades. You will be able to see not only your average but also that of your class. Fun, right? This allows you to have a more precise idea of ​​your positioning in relation to others. If you have any questions about calculations, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers for details, that’s what they’re there for!

Use the Pronote Application

For tech lovers, why not download the Pronote app? Available on Google Play and theApp Store, it allows you to consult your grades and averages at any time, wherever you are. This is a considerable time saver!

Tips for Staying Up to Date

Remember to check your grades regularly! Sometimes results may be updated after assignments or exams have been submitted. By getting into the habit of checking your account, you will always stay informed of developments of your academic performance.

And don’t forget, every grade counts so don’t hesitate to look back on the homework you’ve completed to see where you can improve.

Comparison of methods to consult your average on Pronote 2021

Method Description
Parent Login Parents log in to the account to access the child’s grades.
Direct Access Students can log in directly with their account to see their average.
Mobile App Use the Pronote application to easily view the average.
Viewing Notes Go to the Notes tab to view detailed averages.
Note History Old bulletins are accessible to see the evolution of the averages.
  • Step 1: Log in to your Pronote account via the app or website.
  • Step 2: Go to the tab “Notes”.
  • Step 3: Choose « Entering notes » in the menu.
  • Step 4: Select your class from the lists on the left.
  • Step 5: Look at her general average displayed for your student.

FAQ – How to see your general average on Pronote 2021

Q: How do I access Pronote to see my overall average? To view your results, you must first log into your account Pronote using the identifiers provided by your establishment. Make sure your access is active.

Q: Which tab should I select to check my grades? Once connected, go to the tab Notes. This is where all your ratings and averages are located.

Q: How do I view my assignment details? In the section Notes, select the option Notes to display the details of each assignment and their impact on your average.

Q: How can I see my overall average? After accessing the Notes, look for the option Entering notes and segment by level or class to view your overall average.

Q: Is it possible to see the distribution of marks by subject? Yes, in the tab Notes, you will be able to visualize the distribution of each subject and see how each mark contributes to your general average.

Q: Can my parents see my results on Pronote? Absolutely ! If your parents have their own access to Pronote, they can view your results in real time, which promotes better transparency.

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