How to store homemade mint syrup


  • Conservation up to 2 months before opening.
  • After opening, store in fridge for 15 days.
  • Can be served chilled with ice and water.
  • Used to flavor strawberries and other desserts.
  • Creation of ice cube trays with the syrup for prolonged use.
  • Protected from light, the syrup can be stored for up to 5 months.

Ah, the mint syrup House ! This delicious refreshing drink that evokes summer and moments of conviviality. But when you’ve finally managed to concoct your own elixir, you probably don’t want it to get lost in the fridge’s oblivion. So, how to ensure conservation optimal? Whether you save it to make tasty drinks or to impress your friends, discovering tips for keeping your syrup fresh and sparkling is essential. Hang in there, because we’re going to explore the simplest and most effective ways to preserve this sweet treasure in the best possible conditions!

Ah, the homemade mint syrup ! A delicious refreshing drink that has the power to take us straight into summer. But now, after having prepared it with love and care, the question that arises is: how to preserve this precious nectar? In this article, we’ll explore all the tips and techniques to keep your syrup fresh and flavorful for as long as possible!

The shelf life of mint syrup

First of all, know that homemade mint syrup can last for a while, depending on how you store it. When still unopened, this natural syrup can easily stay good for 1 to 2 months. But once you have decided to open the bottle, a little tip is to put it directly in fridge, where it will remain fresh for approximately 15 days. For those with a sweet tooth, plan to make more, because it is often devoured within a week!

Tips for optimal conservation

To maximize the life of your syrup, several techniques are available to you. First, make sure to sterilize your bottles before filling them. You can do this by submerging them in boiling water or putting them in the dishwasher on high heat. This will prevent any contamination. Then, once you’ve prepared your mixture, be sure to pour it into airtight containers, preferably glass, to prevent oxidation.

Using ice cube trays

A nice little trick is to freeze some of your syrup in ice cube trays. This allows you to have perfect doses on hand, ready to use to enhance drinks or desserts. Once frozen, you can transfer the ice cubes to an airtight bag and store them in the freezer. What a great idea, isn’t it?

Location selection and precautions

To keep your syrup at the best temperature, remember to store your bottles in a cool place away from light. Heat and direct sunlight can alter the flavor and texture of your syrup. A closet in the kitchen often does the trick. Also remember to close the container tightly after each use to prevent air from entering. This will help keep the taste intact!

When in doubt, check!

Finally, if you are surprised by the smell or color of your syrup, do not hesitate to check it before using it. An unusual odor or color could be signs of deterioration. When in doubt, it’s best not to take risks!

For additional tips and tricks, take a look at recipes and preserving ideas on sites like Let’s Eat Local or Swiss Milk. And don’t forget that the pleasure of drinking your homemade syrup begins with its preparation, so put your heart into it!

discover our refreshing mint syrup, ideal for adding a touch of freshness to your drinks, desserts and recipes. perfect for summer, it brings a delicate and natural flavor that will delight your taste buds.

Ah, the freshness of homemade mint syrup ! Whether to enhance your drinks, top your desserts or treat yourself to a moment of sweetness in summer, mint syrup is the perfect companion. But to make the most of it, it is essential to know how to store it properly. Here are some tips that will allow you to keep your syrup fresh and tasty!

Storage before opening

To maximize the shelf life of your syrup before opening, store it in a cool, dark place. A cupboard or cellar is ideal, as light can alter the flavors. If you have prepared it yourself, know that the syrup can be kept for 1 to 2 months outside the refrigerator, provided that the bottle is well sealed. Always remember to check the expiry date and the appearance of the syrup before opening it.

Storage after opening

Once the bottle is opened, it is time to give it a little stay in the fridge! Store your syrup in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. Generally, the shelf life of opened syrup is about 15 days. Remember to use a clean spoon each time to avoid any contamination. You can also pour it into an airtight jar for optimal storage.

Using syrup ice cubes

If you want to extend the life of your syrup while enjoying yourself, why not fill ice cube trays with mint syrup? This will allow you to have mint syrup ready to use for your summer drinks! A little touch of freshness to add to your lemonade or cocktail, it’s perfect!

Labeling and storage

To track the shelf life of your opened syrup, consider labeling your bottles with the date you opened them. Not only will this help you know when it’s time to repurchase, but it’s also a great way to add a little fun to your kitchen! Who said tidying up has to be boring?

Little additional tips

If you want your syrup to retain its beautiful flavors, avoid placing it near strong-smelling foods in the fridge. In addition, do not hesitate to consult some recipes and tips on different sites like Ehrengarth or even Cabin Spirit to discover conservation techniques that make a difference.

Comparison of methods of preserving homemade mint syrup

Preservation method Details
Before opening Store in a cool, dark place for 1 to 2 months.
After opening Refrigerate and consume within 15 days.
Extended storage Can be frozen in ice cube trays for an indefinite period.
Using the fridge Refrigerate for one month, ideal with ice cubes.
Preserving mint Mint wrapped in damp paper, 1 week.
discover our mint syrup, a delicious sweet preparation ideal for flavoring your drinks, desserts and dishes. add a fresh and refreshing touch to your recipes with this artisanal syrup made from natural ingredients.
  • Before opening: Store for up to 2 months in a cool, dark place.
  • After opening: Store in the refrigerator for a maximum of 15 days.
  • Packaging: Use an airtight bottle to avoid oxidation.
  • Practical thinking: Fill ice cube trays to extend shelf life.
  • Temperature control: Avoid temperature variations to preserve taste.
  • Natural ingredients: Opt for ingredients without preservatives for better durability.
discover our artisanal mint syrup, a delicious solution to enhance your drinks and desserts. perfect for preparing refreshing cocktails, iced teas or as a finish to your favorite dishes. enjoy an authentic, natural taste in every drop.

FAQ on Storing Homemade Mint Syrup

How to store homemade mint syrup? For optimal conservation, it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator in an airtight bottle.
How long can mint syrup be kept before opening? Homemade mint syrup can be stored for 1 to 2 months before opening the bottle.
How long does mint syrup last once opened? Once opened, the syrup will keep for around 15 days in the refrigerator.
Are there any tips for extending shelf life? Yes, you can also use ice cube trays to freeze some of the syrup, allowing for extended storage!
Is homemade mint syrup perishable? Absolutely ! Like any natural product, it can deteriorate, it is important to store it correctly to avoid any risk.
How do you know if the syrup is still good? Check the smell and appearance. If the syrup has changed color or gives off a suspicious odor, it is best not to consume it.
Can you store mint syrup at room temperature? No, it is recommended to keep the syrup cool to prevent it from spoiling too quickly.

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