Kendji Girac: How did he survive after being shot? The answer will surprise you!

Discover the surprising survival story of Kendji Girac, wounded by gunfire: an incredible story that will captivate you!

Kendji Girac’s victory in « The Voice »

find out how he survived after being shot.

May 10 marks a symbolic date for Kendji Girac. Indeed, ten years ago to the day, the singer won the famous show “The Voice” on TF1. For the occasion, Kendji wanted to share a touching message on Instagram, thanking his fans for this victory which changed his life.

The first words since the tragedy

survived after being shot

However, this statement occurs in a particular context. Indeed, these are Kendji’s first words since the tragedy that occurred on the night of April 21 to 22. The singer was seriously injured by a gunshot wound to the chest while handling a weapon.

A sincere apology

survived after being shot

In his message, Kendji speaks for the first time since this incident. He apologizes to his family, team and fans for any concerns this may have caused. He assumes his responsibility and expresses his regret for not being able to give back to his audience everything he received.

Heal yourself and come back stronger

Kendji Girac is determined to put this period behind him and concentrate on his recovery. He ensures that he takes care of himself and takes the time to rest in order to come back even stronger. Despite the difficulties, the singer remains determined to face this ordeal and overcome the obstacles.

Divergent versions

Since the incident, versions have diverged as to the circumstances of Kendji Girac’s injury. Initially, he claimed it was an accidental shooting from his trailer. However, the prosecution opened an investigation for attempted intentional homicide, following testimony deemed confusing.

Alcohol and cocaine involved

Analyzes revealed that Kendji had been drinking heavily and had used cocaine before the incident. His blood alcohol level was estimated at 2.5 grams per liter of blood. This revelation ruled out the thesis of the intervention of a third party in the matter.

A truth that belongs to him

Justice closed the case, leaving doubt about Kendji Girac’s true intention that night. The prosecutor said that whether it was a faked suicide gone wrong or an attempted suicide, the truth lies with Kendji himself. The subject of suicide remains taboo in the gypsy community due to religious considerations.

Ultimately, Kendji Girac seeks to turn the page on this painful episode in his life. His determination to recover and return to prominence is apparent. His fans are eagerly waiting to see him shine again on stage, proving his resilience and talent.

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