When I block someone on Facebook, do their mentions, likes and comments disappear from my photos and videos


  • When you block a person on Facebook, their likes And comments no longer appear in your news feed.
  • Blocked user content remains visible to you in your photos and videos.
  • You continue to see the publications of your mutual friends, including those of the blocked person.
  • Blocking a user does not retroactively delete their interactions on your publications.
  • The blocked contact no longer has access to your profile nor to your updates.

Ah, the mystery of social networks! When it comes to to block someone on Facebook, many questions may arise. For example, what is really happening with likes and the comments of this person in your photos and videos? Does it all magically disappear or does it stay there to remind you of painful interactions? Let’s dive together into the world of blockages on Facebook and let’s discover the truth behind this phenomenon!

So, you are wondering what happens when you block someone on Facebook, right? And more specifically, you want to know if that person’s likes and comments disappear from your photos and videos. Don’t worry, I’ll answer all your questions and let’s clear this digital fog together!

When I block someone on Facebook, what actually happens?

First of all, it is important to know that when you block someone on Facebook, it remains quite discreet. In other words, the blocked person does not receive notification that they have been sidelined. It’s a bit like a game of hide and seek where « I can’t see you » is official! However, there are nuances to consider when it comes to likes and comments related to your content.

Likes and comments: what happens to them?

The big question of the day: “Like” mentions And the comments of the blocked person disappear from your content? Good news, but also a bit disappointing: no, these elements do not automatically disappear from your photos and videos! This means that even after you block someone, their likes and comments remain displayed on your posts. No magic here, just a little surprise from the internet!

Visibility of content despite blocking

In fact, even if you’ve made the decision to block someone, their content might still appear in certain situations. Imagine you have mutual friends; If one of these friends has shared a post or interacted in any way, you may see the blocked person’s content. Yes, that’s the paradox of social networks!

Messenger interaction and status updates

Regarding Messenger, things get a little tougher. When you block someone on Facebook, you also block them on Messenger. By doing this, you will no longer have direct contact with this person, but if their privacy settings allow it, you may still see some of their status updates or many other interactions. It makes you think about this illusion of security that social networks offer, doesn’t it?

Freedom of choice and confidentiality

Have the opportunity to to block someone on Facebook gives you some power over your online experience. By blocking someone, you regain control over who can view your profile and interact with you. But this doesn’t undo that person’s past interactions on your content. This leads us to ask questions about the management of our digital lives and the connections we form on these platforms.

Conclusions on address and blocking

So, to summarize this little adventure: when you decide to block someone on Facebook, it doesn’t magically make the « Likes » and comments that that person left on your posts disappear. For practical advice on how to manage this, I invite you to check out available resources like these: How to block on Facebook or even What happens if I block someone on Facebook?. Whether you want to stem past interactions, there are other strategies to consider to keep your online bubble intact.

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When you block someone on Facebook

Ah, Facebook! This social network where it is sometimes necessary to sort through our contacts. But what really happens when you block someone? A question that torments many minds: Do their likes and comments disappear from your photos and videos?? Hold on to your seat, we’re about to dive into this world full of lock buttons!

Likes and comments remain

First, know that once you block a contact on Facebook, it will not erase likes And the comments that this person left under your posts. Yes, you read that right! These little signs of digital affection stay in place. Whether it’s an adorable ❤️ or a comment that made you smile, these traces of their passage don’t disappear, even if the person is blocked.

Blocked content remains visible to mutual friends

Another aspect to keep in mind is that even if you have blocked an individual, their content could still appear through your mutual friends. Indeed, if they like or comment on the blocked person’s publications, you could accidentally come across them. It’s a bit like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to find!

Status updates and notifications

Have you ever thought about what you will no longer see? When someone is blocked, you will no longer have access to her status updates or his new publications. However, be careful, if this person has posted something publicly, you might still come across them through a friend, like a ghost in an old house. But don’t panic, rest assured that your notifications will not be invaded by his upcoming publications either!

Blocking does not erase previous exchanges

It is also important to note that blocking a person does not remove the messages previously exchanged between you. So, if you are looking to erase all traces of this contact, you will have to do it differently! A simple block is not enough to make the sent memories disappear.

How to block?

If you come to the decision to block someone, know that it’s a fairly simple process. Go to your account settings, click on the section to block, and follow the instructions. Don’t worry, the blocked person will not be informed! For more details, you can consult this link: here.

In summary

So while blocking gives you the calm you’re looking for, it won’t erase evidence of the person’s existence in your timeline. THE likes And comments remain, but you also have the freedom to no longer see this scholarly partner on your news. If you really want to clean up, you’re going to have to dig a little deeper.

Impact of blocking on Facebook

Action Consequence
Block a person She will no longer be able to see your profile or your publications
Comments on your posts They remain visible even after blocking
“Like” mentions Not deleted, they remain visible under your publications
Access to posts by mutual friends You can see the person’s content through your friends
Blocked person notifications She does not receive any notification of your activity
Personal data Your information remains protected against access by the blocked person
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Blocking effects on Facebook

  • Likes: Likes of the blocked person remain visible on your photos and videos.
  • Comments: Comments left by this person don’t disappear neither.
  • Hidden profile: The profile of the blocked person will no longer have access to your content.
  • Person updates: You will no longer see their updates on your News Feed.
  • Interaction : You can still interact with the same posts, but without the blocked person.
Check out our article on the concept of 'block', where we explore its different meanings and uses in web development, video games and building blocks. learn how this key element shapes our digital interaction!

FAQs about blocking people on Facebook

What happens when I block someone on Facebook? When you block someone, they will no longer be able to access your profile or see your posts.

Do the likes and comments of the blocked person disappear from my photos and videos? No, the likes and comments of the person you blocked will remain displayed on your photos and videos.

Can I still see content from the person I blocked if we have mutual friends? Yes, you could see the blocked person’s content through your mutual friends’ posts.

Is the blocked person informed of my blocking? No, the person you block will not receive any notification informing them of your decision.

When I block someone, will I still be able to see their comments on posts where we have both commented? No, you will no longer be able to see this person’s comments on your blocked posts.

How do I know if I’ve been blocked by someone on Facebook? If you can no longer see the profile of someone you previously knew, you may have been blocked.

Does blocking someone delete all messages from that person in messaging? Yes, messages from the blocked person will no longer be visible in your inbox.

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