When you have the hourglass on snap, how long?


  • THE hourglass appears after 8 p.m. without exchange of snaps.
  • Visible duration of hourglass : approximately 4 hours.
  • To maintain your flames, send a snap all 24 hours.
  • A emoji 🔥 next to the number indicates the age of your Snapflame.
  • After 3 days of snaps consecutive with the same user, the flames begin.

Ah, the famous hourglass on Snapchat ! That little symbol that can make your heart beat a little faster, especially when it comes to keeping your flames very hot. But really, how long do you have before that hourglass disappears? To find out everything about the duration and importance of this little gadget, let’s dive into the mysterious world of Snapchat together and find out how much time you have left to maintain this precious connection!

Ah, the famous hourglass on Snapchat! This little emoji that can bring a shiver of anxiety to any user of the app. But what does the hourglass really mean and how long does it stay on your screen? In this article, we will dive into the world of Snapflames and the hourglass to find out everything about how it works, its duration and how to best manage it to avoid the disappearance of your precious streak.

What is Hourglass on Snapchat?

THE hourglass on Snapchat is an indicator that appears when two users have gone 20 consecutive hours without sending each other a message. snaps. Basically, if you and your friend haven’t messaged each other, the hourglass shows up, ringing a bell to say, « Hey, it’s time to stay in touch to keep your flames going! » This little symbol says a lot about your activity on this fun platform.

Hourglass Duration

When you see this precious hourglass, you’re probably wondering how long it will last. The good news is that the hourglass remains visible for about 4 hours before disappearing. This means that once the icon appears, you have a limited time to send a snap to your friend to avoid losing your Snapflame.

How to check how much time you have left?

There is no precise indicator of how much time you have left before the hourglass disappears. However, it is essential to keep an eye on the time when the hourglass appeared. Generally, you have between 2 and 4 hours to act. A bit of pressure, isn’t it? For more details, you can also consult other sources that look into this mystery.

How to maintain your Snapflames?

To prevent the hourglass from turning into a sad memory, it is crucial to send and receive at least one snap every 24 hours. This is the golden rule for keeping your flames alive! A small snap, even a simple hello or a photo of your coffee, can be enough to keep your streak intact. Don’t hesitate to be creative, and share what you do, even the little everyday things can nourish this connection!

Tips to avoid the appearance of the Hourglass

If you want to get out of the hourglass danger zone, there are some effective tips. Make sure to send a daily snap to your friends to strengthen this bond. And if you ever forget and the hourglass appears, don’t panic ! You can always catch the flames by leaving again as soon as possible. To fully understand how Snapflammes work, consult this link on Snapchat.

Conclusion: A game not to be taken lightly

In conclusion, the hourglass on Snapchat is a nice but urgent reminder to interact with your friends! By respecting the timing and remaining active, you will be able to calmly navigate between snaps without fear of losing your flame. So the next time you see that little hourglass, remember that there are only a few hours left before it disappears, and pick up your phone!

discover snapchat, the ephemeral messaging app that lets you share photos and videos with your friends, add fun filters, and follow trends through captivating stories.

Ah, the famous hourglass on Snapchat! You know, that emoji that warns you that your flames are on the verge of extinction. If you’ve ever wondered how much time is left, or how to avoid losing it, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll delve into the mysteries of the hourglass, its meaning, and tips for keeping your flames burning!

The meaning of the hourglass

When you see the icon appear hourglass on Snapchat, that means it’s high time to act! This emoji appears when you and your friend have gone about 20 hours without sending each other a message. snaps or messages. Basically, it’s a friendly little reminder to encourage you to reconnect before the status of your flames never disappear for good.

How long does the hourglass last?

Once the hourglass appears, you roughly have 4 hours in front of you. This can vary from 2 to 4 hours, but the important thing is to stay active on the app to avoid losing your streak! More specifically, you must send or receive at least one snap every 24 hours to extend your streak without stress!

How do I know how much time is left?

Unfortunately, Snapchat doesn’t show you a timer to tell you exactly how much time you have left before the hourglass disappears. But with a little practice, you should be able to estimate. If you’re less than 4 hours away from the end of your streak, it’s probably time to snap! For more information on how long it lasts, check out resources like CQuand . Tips for Keeping Your Flames GoingIf you want to avoid losing your precious


, here’s a little tip: make a point of sending a snapor chatting with your friend every day. If you see the hourglass, it could be a great time for a funny snap or even a simple message. And for more tips on how to keep your flames going, check out this great article here: I Have a Buddy in the Com . Hourglass disappearsOnce the 4-hour countdown is up, the hourglass disappears and, alas, your


with it. This means that you have to start over if you failed to send or receive a last snap . For more information on recovering your flames, you can check out this link: I have a friend in the com. Snap Hourglass Duration and MeaningsHourglass Status

Time Remaining

Hourglass Activated 2 to 4 hours before expiration
No Snaps exchanged in 20 hours Countdown Start
Hourglass Visible About 4 hours of visibility
Snap Flame in Danger If you ignore the Hourglass, the flame could go out
Maintaining the Flame Send a Snap every 24 hours minimum
Flip the Hourglass Thinking about re-engaging to reach 3 days
Discover Snapchat, the essential application for sharing ephemeral photos and videos with your friends. Enjoy creative filters, captivating stories and innovative features to stay connected with your loved ones while having fun. Appearance of the Hourglass:
After 20 hours without exchanges of snaps.
  • Visible duration: About 4 hours.
  • Shipping frequency: One snap required every 24 hours to maintain the flame.
  • Emergency indicator: Hourglass warns of potential loss of flames.
  • Impact on Snapflames: Hourglass means the flames can disappear if no action is taken.
  • Day counter: A number next to the 🔥 indicates the age of the Snapflame.
  • discover snapchat, the ephemeral messaging app that lets you share photos and videos with friends, create captivating stories, and stay connected with fun filters. explore a world of creativity and instant interactions today. Snap Hourglass FAQ
When does the hourglass appear on Snap?

Hourglass icon appears when two users pass

20 consecutive hours without sending each other messages or snaps. How long does the Snapchat hourglass last? Once it appears, the hourglass lasts
about 4 hours before disappearing. How do I know how much time is left before the hourglass disappears? Unfortunately, there is no precise way to know this, but you can estimate that you have
about 4 hours in all. What does the hourglass mean on Snapchat? The hourglass is an indicator that means you should send at least one snap
every 24 hours to the same person so as not to lose your flame streak. How to avoid having an hourglass? To prevent the hourglass from appearing, make sure to stay active by
sending and receiving snaps every day . What happens if I do nothing and the hourglass disappears?If you don’t react, your
flames can disappear , because no interaction for 24 hours ends your streak. Can you get your flames back after the hourglass disappears?Unfortunately, once the hourglass disappears and the sequence is broken, it is impossible to
restore the flames previous ones.

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