Why does everyone write 31 wrong in English? Find out the answer here!


  • Understand the correct spelling of 31 in English
  • Avoid common and frequent mistakes
  • Study of Numbers from 1 to 100
  • The specificities of English which make itspelling of numbers complex
  • Tips and advice for remembering good writing
  • The role of English-French translators to avoid mistakes

The English language can be confusing at times, especially when it comes to the spelling of numbers. Many people write the number wrong. 31 in English. Whether for learning reasons, linguistic similarities, or simply confusion, this error is common. So why does this happen so frequently? Find out the answer here!

What is the secret behind writing numbers correctly in English, and why do so many people struggle with the number 31? In this article, we explore common mistakes, language challenges, and the best ways to memorize and write this number correctly in English.

Common mistakes with the number 31 in English

It is not uncommon for even native speakers to make mistakes when writing numbers in English, and the number 31 is no exception. The correct way to write this number is « thirty-one ». However, many people write « thirty one » without the hyphen, which is incorrect.

Why this confusion?

The confusion often comes from the fact that the rules for writing numbers in English are more complex than we think. For example, the numbers 21 to 99, when they are not multiples of ten, must be separated by a hyphen. This means that « twenty-one », « thirty-one » and so on must always contain a hyphen.

The importance of the hyphen

The hyphen plays a vital role in writing numbers correctly in English. Without this punctuation mark, reading these numbers can become confusing and ambiguous. By adding the hyphen, you make it clear that it is one number made up of two separate parts.

How to memorize this rule?

To remember this rule well, a simple technique is to always remember that numbers composed of two words must be connected by a hyphen when they are between 21 and 99. This of course includes 31, but also other numbers like 45 (forty-five) and 77 (seventy-seven).

Translation software and errors

Tools like Reverso And DeepL are very useful for translation but can sometimes be misleading when it comes to punctuation, including hyphens in numbers.

How to use them effectively?

To avoid these errors, it is important to be aware of the limitations of translation tools and to always check the specific rules for writing numbers in English. Use reliable educational resources, such as those offered by EF, can greatly help improve your accuracy.

The pitfalls of learning English for French speakers

For French speakers, learning English is often filled with challenges, especially when it comes to writing numbers correctly. Differences between the two languages ​​can lead to punctuation and spelling errors. For example, where French speakers would write « trente-et-un », English speakers use « thirty-one ».

Solutions to overcome these challenges

Take advantage of specialized courses and guides, such as those offered by iSpeakSpokeSpoken and other educational sites, can help students avoid common pitfalls. By familiarizing yourself with the examples and practices, it becomes easier to correct errors and master writing numbers in English.

Although this article aims to demystify common mistakes related to writing the number 31 in English, it is crucial to understand that mastering the linguistic rules takes time and practice. By adopting an educational approach and using the right resources, it becomes possible to overcome these challenges and write correctly in English.

Common Error Correction
31 written as *thirty-one* To write thirty-one
Omit the hyphen Always add a hyphen: thirty-one
Confusion with *thirty one* Use the hyphen, avoid the space: thirty-one
Confusion with *thirty-one* Use the correct form: thirty-one
Write *thirtywon* The correct spelling is thirty-one
Use *thirtyone* Separate with a hyphen: thirty-one
Use of numbers Write the numbers in full: thirty-one
Incorrect capitalization No capital letters are necessary: thirty-one
Use *thirty-first* instead The correct term is thirty-one for the number
  • Ignorance of spelling: Spelling numbers can be confusing.
  • Word order: In English, word order is crucial, for example, « thirty-one ».
  • Hyphen: Numbers made up of two parts are linked with a hyphen.
  • Similarity to other figures: Sometimes people mix up « thirteen » (13) and « thirty-one » (31).
  • Influence of French: The number structure in French can confuse some learners.
  • Lack of practice: Regular practice is essential to mastering numbers in English.
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