You’ll never guess how 31 is spelled in English!


Key phrase You’ll never guess how it’s spelled 31 in English !
Number 31
Spelling Thirty-one
Use Common in dates and numbers (31st for ordinal dates)
Context Learn the pronunciation and thewriting numbers in English

You’ll never guess how it’s spelled 31 in English ! Numbers in English can sometimes seem confusing, especially when it comes to their pronunciation and writing. For example, 31 translates to « thirty-one ». What can be confusing is that the English use hyphens to separate tens and units, which is not a common practice in French. Don’t doubt it, with this little trick you will always be able to guess how to write this number correctly.

Learning to write numbers in English may seem like a simple task, but you might be surprised by some of the quirks. In this article, we reveal to you the secret of writing the number 31 in English, going through the general rules, the particularities of numbers and some tips to never make mistakes again.

The basics of numbers in English

To begin, it is essential to understand the basics of Numbers in English. From 1 to 10, these are generally learned from the first English lessons: one, two, three, oven, five, six, seven, eight, nine And ten. But what happens when we move from tens to larger numbers? To understand this in more depth, visit This item.

Tens and ones

In English, the tens are constructed by adding a “-ty” suffix to the first digits. So, 20 becomes twenty, 30 becomes thirty, 40 becomes forty, and so on. However, when it comes to combining these tens with units, a new rule applies: you must add a dash between the ten and the unit (e.g.: twenty-one for 21, twenty-two for 22, etc.). For more details, see this detailed guide.

How to write 31 in English?

Let’s now move on to number 31. You will never guess how it is spelled without knowing the previous rule. Here is the formula: thirty-one. As mentioned, the ten « thirty » is combined with « -one » using a hyphen. Simple, right? However, it is a common mistake to forget this dash! You can check on this resource.

Particularities and exceptions

In English, certain numbers have specific characteristics. For example, the number 40 which, unlike other tens that end in « ty », is written forty and not « fourty ». To understand all the details about writing these numbers, go to This item. Another particularity is that « hundred » never takes an ‘s’ even in the plural (ex: 200 = two hundred).

Caution when writing numbers

Writing numbers in English requires a certain amount of vigilance. For example, it is very common to forget the hyphen between tens and ones. Additionally, errors in the spelling of numbers themselves can lead to misunderstandings. Revisit your bases regularly to avoid these pitfalls. For more practices and memory aids, see this sheet.

Now that you know how to write 31 in English, you are equipped to tackle any number with confidence. Remember to revise regularly and practice as much as possible to avoid common mistakes. Keep exploring and learning. Good luck!

French English
1 one
10 ten
20 twenty
21 twenty-one
30 thirty
31 thirty-one
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
100 one hundred
  • 31 in number: thirty-one
  • 31 in ordinal: thirty-first
  • 31 as of: 31st
  • Example sentence: « I was born on May 31st »
  • Context of use: For dates, ages, and counting
  • Attention : Not to be confused with tens like « thirteen »
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